Cold Hearted - Winter Renshaw - Another great 💙💙💙💙💙 5 STAR book!

I wish I could say our meeting was happenstance.

I wish I could say we took one look and we just knew.

I wish I could say falling for him was the best thing that ever happened to me.

But none of that would be true.

Rhett Carson was as cold as the ice on which he skated. He was as calloused as the hands that shot the goals that won world championships. He was also damaged. And broken. And he didn’t know it, but I knew all about him … and his unfortunate connection with my estranged older brother.

I knew why he was so bitter and angry.

I knew why he was so cold hearted.

But I didn’t know why I let myself fall in love with him.

And I didn’t know why I couldn’t stop–even when he told me to.

But when the truth came out, I knew I’d lost him for good … until he came back, more cold hearted than ever before.

Cold Hearted is LIVE!! Get it here --->

Winter Renshaw is hands down one of my favorite authors that I was so lucky to find.  EVERY SINGLE BOOK of hers is absolutely amazing. She draws you in, taking you on such an amazingly told story that you are left wanting more once you've read the last word. Cold Hearted definitely did NOT disappoint.
One of my favorite things about her - she gives you just enough detail in her books to not go overboard. Yet you can CLEARLY see the images she's putting out there. You feel every emotion. You fall for these characters, their flaws and imperfections.  And you fall for all the goodness in them, too.
Ayla and Rhett seem almost doomed from the beginning.  Two seemingly lost souls on a journey of finding not only who they are, but the person that they are meant to be. Especially to each other.  Beautifully broken. You understand them. Their motivations.  You fall in love with them, but yet they break your heart at the same time.  They have undeniable chemistry, and a connection that you realize is much more than what it first seems to be. The lengths that they end up going through for each other - it makes your heart beat just a bit faster.
I knew this would be a great one once the teasers started going out. And I am so happy to say that this was yet another GREAT story by this author. 5 GREAT stars.. And if you havent already - seriously start reading all her stuff. Because she's great. LOVED it and love her.
