Buttons & Hate - Penelope Sky - 💔💔💔💔💔5 Heartbroken Stars


I'm working off my buttons.

But I'm also giving them away.

The more I fall for Crow, the more I want him to do the things that I want.
Dinners, dates, and evenings at the beach.

Everything comes at a price, and quickly the hoard of buttons I worked hard to earn are depleted.

Will this go back and forth forever? Or will someone run out of their buttons first?

Buttons and Hate is the second novel in the Button Series by Penelope Sky.
Buttons and Lace being book one - My Amazon review for that and a little blurb at the end of this review is included so you at least know a little bit more about the first book.

A warning:  This series deals with some very dark topics.
It may not necessarily be for everyone.

With that being said, Buttons and Hate was just SO. SO. Good.
This series is definitely a guilty pleasure.
Crow and Pearl are just so good together.
Despite how they meet. Despite her past. Despite his.  The two of them overcome a lot of obstacles - his brother, former lovers, the need for revenge with a common enemy.
Pearl's life has been turned upside down from the very beginning of book one. And your heart bleeds for her.  But - DAMN - is this one strong woman.  She's grown to be such and admirable character that you cant help but be drawn to her.  Crow is a damaged soul. Lost in his own grief.  Yet he loves her And her love and attraction for Crow just continues to grow the more she's around him.  The more she allows herself to open up. The more he allows the same.  You know they're the perfect match for each other. Together they are stronger. But.. Crow struggles with his emotions. He can't admit to himself what he feels, so he pushes her away. Which of course, causes our strong Button to break just a little. And goodness - I was crying in the end.
I simply CANNOT wait for the last book. Penelope Sky creates characters and a world you simply hate to love.. Or is it love to hate? You're sucked in like a moth to a flame, so much so I couldn't put this book down.  And now I have a serious book hangover.
I have to give this book 5 amazing, wonderful, heartbroken stars.
Because book 3 is months away! I need to know what happens!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Buttons-Lace-Penelope-Sky-ebook/dp/B01LWRGTL7/


I owe him a debt.
A big one.
The payment can't be settled with money or favors.
He only wants one thing.
Every action gets a reward.
A button.
Once I fill his jar with three hundred and sixty-five buttons, he'll let me go.
He'll let me walk away.
But I have to earn every single one.
By submitting to the darkest, cruelest, and most beautiful man I've ever known.

** TRIGGER WARNING ** There are some dark and disturbing scenes of abuse and punishment.

AMAZON REVIEW (Prior to becoming a book blogger 😼) 💔💔💔💔💔
This book was truly a story that I quickly became engaged and obsessed with. I cannot wait for the next two books.! I LOVED this story. It definitely is not for the weak of heart - and it does carry some dark elements in the beginning. But as all journies in the literary world go.. Penelope Sky navigates you thru the darkness, right into the beautiful light that we're led to as readers. Pearl is such a strong female lead. As a woman, my heart broke for her over and over again. After everything she's been thru, she deserves a man like Crow to treat her decently. I mean he's the good bad guy you can't help but love - even though he gives you some doubts. Reading Pearl and Crow's story is unconventional and naughty, but so perfect. I am looking forward to the next two books in the series - and so much more from this author. They've both quickly made it to my "favorites" list. Grab the book while you can - so you can say you read it before anyone else. It's THAT good.
