The Hot List - Luke Steel - Now LIVE and looks HOT! 😍πŸ”₯

Title: The Hot List 
Author: Luke Steel 
Genre: Romance 

The Hot List: code for expensive property that will sell in a snap.
It's every realtor's dream, and I'm no different. Easy money is my favorite kind.
Except my clientβ€”worthless asshole that he isβ€”doesn't want to make this easy at all. Not for me, anyway. He's gone behind my back and hired another agent.
He's turned this into a damn competition.
I could have sacked up and taken it in stride... but then I saw who I was up against.
Audrey: sex on two legs, an ass that won't quit, queen baker of delicious muffinsβ€”and the one woman I feel real hatred for.
Three months ago she stole something from me.
I can't get it back, but I can do something better... I can steal from her.
I'm going to win this little game. Nothing will stop me.
That's what I think, anyway, until I see her half-naked. Until I remember how her hair feels between my fingers... how she smells, how she sounds when her breath catches in her throat.
This was supposed to be sweet revenge.
But winning this game could cost me more than I ever realized.

CEO by day, romance writer by night. I only write what I know. Please sign up for my newsletter to get access to ARCs and other news. 
