POSSESSION - Jaimie Roberts - WoW! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ 4.5 - Dark Stars

Promo & Review Tour, P O S S E S S I O N by Bestselling Author Jaimie Roberts

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On my fourteenth birthday, I was promised to a very wealthy man… A domineering man. A powerful man. On that day, the first of two transactions were made with my very unloving parents. I became his possession. Something to own. Something to keep. An object intended only for his desire, his pleasure, and his … indulgence. Although promised to this man, I at least remained safe … untouched … pure. I was to be his and his alone. On my eighteenth birthday, the second transaction took place. I escaped… But he came for me. Now, I’m his. He owns my body and my soul. And, as if all of that wasn’t enough, he wants to own my heart too. I’m trying to resist himβ€”trying to fight that irresistible monster inside of him. But, as with everything else in my life, nothing is ever that easy. Warning: Contains graphic scenes with sexual assault content. Please proceed with caution. 

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Other Books by Jaimie Roberts

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 Download any of the following titles FREE with KindleUnlimited  
Luca: You Will Be Mine US http://getBook.at/LUCAYouWillBeMine UK http://amzn.to/2gnkaEQ Luca: Because You’re Mine US http://getBook.at/LucaBook2 UK http://amzn.to/2fCXM9s

Author Bio

Jaimie Roberts was born in London, but moved to Gibraltar in 2001. She is married with two sons, and in her spare time, she writes.
In June 2013, Jaimie published her first book, Take a Breath, with the second released in November 2013. With the reviews, Jaimie took time out to read and learn how to become a better writer. She gets tremendous enjoyment out of writing, and even more so from the feedback she receives.

Connect with Jaimie

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Jaimie Roberts takes us on a very dark journey that tells the story of Evelyn and Drake.

FIRST AND FORMOST: THIS IS NOT A STORY FOR EVERYONE. It is a very dark story that has very dark themes and may be a trigger for some. You have been warned.

Life is a dark and twisted reality for our Evelyn  At the age of 14 - her parents - some pretty horrid people - promise the life and body of this girl to Drake.  An man both obsessed and tortured by the girls' existence as are other, more sinister and dangerous men in Evelyn's world. The man Evelyn sees as her savior, becomes her nightmare at the same time.  How can you both love and hate someone at the same time?

Sex slavery, tortured hearts and souls, terror that grips your heart and tugs at your heartstrings.  This story has it all. You both love and hate Drake. Your heart will bleed and you will cry for Evelyn.  Yet through it all, you want the two of them to overcome their demons.

This was a very, very well written story.   Jaimie Roberts did a wonderful job telling this dark tale.  The only reason I'm giving it 4.5 stars instead of the full 5 is because there were elements of the story that I found almost a little too dark. The prologue was a bit of a shock to be introduced to this story..But at the same time, perfect - because you knew right then and there if you wanted to continue.  My emotions were all over the place with this book..Namely with how to feel about Drake. I loved and hated him. I felt sorry for him and wanted to punch in him the face. 

When you get so emotionally involved...That's how I know what a great story this was.

If you can handle the darkness: You should get this story. It was a heavy read that will leave your heart racing.




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